The Disobedient Scientist Podcast

2023 Goals: Climate Activism Through Play!

Themes: play, climate change, women in science, witch, activism

This week’s episode explores the role of play in our lives.  I lead with the question, what type of world would we live in if we made decisions based on play and pleasure? How would our relationships be different?  Our careers? Our authenticity? I explore the ways in which play shows up in my life, particularly through activism and creativity and the parallels play has to scientific mindsets.  And of course we talk about how play is a radical act of disobedience. 

This is a juicy episode.  I hope you like it!  

I would love to hear back from you.  Reach out to me on my Ig (link) and tell me your thoughts on play!

I would love to hear back from you. Reach out to me on my Ig (link) and tell me your thoughts!