The Disobedient Scientist Podcast

Embracing a Messy Beautiful Life with Sandy Cohen

Patty Martin Episode 8

Summary: Imagine this. You are a journalist. You have worked your entire adult life to get that prestigious job at a world-renowned news agency. And you get it! You’re rubbing shoulders with celebrities and living what you always thought was the life. And you realize that it makes you miserable.

In this week’s episode, I interview Sandy Cohen, a journalist, life and wellness coach, budding health professional, and brave soul. She talks about how she walked away from the successful life she had built to find true alignment. We explore how to embrace and embrace the messy unknown.

Here are the 8 takeaways:

1. Just because you are successful doesn’t mean you are happy.

2. Turn to creativity when you feel adrift.

3. Instead of trying to turn down the volume in a specific area of life try and turn up the volume in other areas.

4. We can taste happiness all the time if we are paying attention.

5. Opening yourself to the pleasures of life is the antidote to being achievement driven.

6. Honoring what your personal constitution is essential to finding alignment.

7. Enjoying your life is an active thing. It is not passive.

8. Listen to yourself more than you listen to society.




Podcast: Inner Peace To Go

Recommended Book: Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff and It is All Small Stuff by Richard Carlson

I would love to hear back from you. Reach out to me on my Ig (link) and tell me your thoughts!