The Disobedient Scientist Podcast

PhD to Entrepreneur with Jessica Sacher

Patty Martin

Do you know that feeling when you talk to someone and they just light you up? They motivate you. They inspire you. They make you realize, even just for a moment, that you can do anything in the world. Today’s interview is that for me. Jessica Sacher is a microbiologist and founder of Phage Directory. She is a checkmark collector, horse lover, swing dancer, recovering people pleaser, secret rebel, and last but definitely not least, grad school entrepreneur. She was a woman in grad school, just hanging out with a friend, read a tweet about the science she studies, and decided to create a startup. Her story absolutely wows me.

Here are the main takeaways:

1. You never know where your passions can lead you.

2. To get through the fear, researching other options for a career is a great way to inspire yourself

3. You don’t need permission from anyone but you to start a business.

4. You become an entrepreneur on the first day you see a problem and realize you can connect it with a solution.

5. You do not need credentials to start a company. In fact, it may be better if you don’t have the credentials.

6. Don’t spend all your Time with people who credential you. Listen to the startup people too.

7. Entrepreneurism only works if you have that outsider perspective

8. Hangout with the startup communities in your area. Let them know about your science.

9. It’s not about the idea. There will be tons of ideas. It's about the energy and connections you make.

10. Ideas don’t come from one place, they come from 2 places. There has to be crossover


Twitter: @Jessicasacher

Twitter: @phagedirectory

Blog (Link)

Recommended book: 4-hour work week by

Cheeky scientist: (Link)

Climate Hope Workshop: (Link)

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