The Disobedient Scientist Podcast

Journey to Alignment with Haley Peel

Patty Martin

I am super excited to introduce you this week’s guest, Haley Peel. Haley is a mindset, health, and life coach, an inspirational adventurer, a fellow podcaster, and pharmacist. Like so many of us, she straddles being both a woman in science and living a wholistic life.

We cover a lot of topics in this interview. We talk about the spark of adventure and how it eventually led her to entrepreneurship. We discuss relationships and the healing that can occur in them, and we talk about how people can step more deeply into alignment.

Some key takeaways from the episode are:

  1. Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone.
  2. Adventure is pushing your edge. You could do it through hiking, an ironman, public speaking, or starting a business. It’s anything that scares you a little and gets you out of your comfort zone.
  3. Celebrate the wins, learn from the losses, and just keep going.
  4. Do something that both scares and empowers you every day.
  5. Connecting to breathe and slow conscious breathing helps you to get over fear.
  6. In facing adventure, know there will be ups and downs, and it is important to have something that will pull you through the lows.
  7. To show up authentically as yourself, it is important to let go of the need to be liked.
  8. When the triggers come up, get curious with them.
  9. Getting into alignment is just following small steps that help shift you from being completely out of alignment.
  10. Follow that pull, that calling, that whisper. It is worth your time.

Here are the ways you can connect with Haley Peel:

Podcast: The Empowered Adventurer

Recommended Book: Mindset, The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck

Quote: “Fear is excitement on pause” Carey Peters

Patty’s Contact Info:




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