The Disobedient Scientist Podcast

Ocean Lessons On How To Live

Patty Martin

Themes: Adaptation, adaptability, resilience, lessons from nature, audacity, hope, becoming the change, authenticity

Description: This week I explore audacity, the willingness to take bold risk in the face of failure. Isn’t the will to live the most audacious act we have?  I explore lessons from sea life and how they are redefining their environment.  I also explore ways in which audacity is the catalyst to change, and the 4 steps I took to living an audacious life. Enjoy!


Science Report Linked Here 

Haram, L.E., Carlton, J.T., Centurioni, L. et al. Extent and reproduction of coastal species on plastic debris in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. Nat Ecol Evol 7, 687–697 (2023).

Our Deepest Fear Poem: Here

The Artists Way by Julie Cameron: Here

I would love to hear back from you. Reach out to me on my Ig (link) and tell me your thoughts!